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Element Tarot Reading

By Aphrodite Apagi

The Element Tarot Reading seeks information from the Spirit, Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. 

1.  Spirit                             

2.  Earth   - To Keep Silent

3.  Water  - To Dare

4.  Air        - To Know

5.  Fire      -  To Will

Fee: $80.00

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Witches Tarot Deck By Ellen Dugan

Meaning of the Reading

1. Lovers - Spirit

2 Nine of Wands - To Keep Silent

3. Eight of Cups- To Dare

4. The Empress- To Know

5. Death- To Will

Spirit is guiding you to love your self, and keep all of your desires to yourself and not share them with others. And as you dare to manifest your goals with great passion and excitement, you recognize the power within your self as old pattens fall away. 

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